"We wish to express our deepest of thankyou to you and your family for giving us such a wonderful little "person" for our son.   He has given him someone who understands his need for love.  Even though our son can not verbally express himself, his new Buddy spends every waking moment with him and  he curls up with him at night. Buddy's presence has eliminated the terrible nightmares.    Thank you seems like such a small word for all you have done!  Keep up the great work! "


Shaun and Family

Hey ya'all at Corgi7, our pooch is doing just dandy.  He is learnin all the calls to bring in our cattle and last nite slept outside in the doggie house with Catch.  You did a bang up job with him and we are rite  proud to call him ours!  Good luck to ya and drop in for a coffee any time!


The Five Hill Ranch Crew  Texas

From  our famiy to yours, thanks for the great little one who we met on the plane on Wed.  He arrived safe and sound and made a hit the minute he came out of the kennel.  Gran and Fetch have been together ever since.   We are amazed at how well he has adapted to our home, with our other pets .  It is very obvious that you have taken great time and effort to make him into the little man he is.  I will forward you out some photos once I can get the kids to down load them ( am so computer  challenged!)  Thanks again and we will be talking again in spring when  we hope to adopt our second puppy from you! 


Diane, Dave and Family 

"We are very happy to have him with us!  Thank you again for our special gift! "

Kia and Ryan 

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